Monday, November 26, 2007

I'll be back soon!

I have had a crazy month or two. Been sick a lot, had a piriformis injection for pain, and right now my sweet kitty Pooky is real sick, I have a lot of posting I want to do, a sweet blogger gave me an award which I want to acknowledge and thank but right now my main concern is taking care of my kitty I am real worried about her, but I wanted to tell you all I will be back real soon, I hope to paint walls before Christmas and then do the decorating so I will have lots to show you. Thanks for your patience everyone! :O)


Anonymous said...

♥♥♥ Hi Sparky! : )

Snow day here and I'm fooling around on the blogs. I should be doing housework, but noooooo . . . ; )

Lori said...

Erin, Miss you and can't wait to see your holiday decorations! So hope your feeling better! Love, Lori

Retromodgirl said...

I hope you are feeling better and enjoying the holidays! I really enjoy your blog!

Jennifer Paganelli said...

Just want to say you and hubby do look happy!!! Happy New Year my sweet..Jennifer